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Walmart’s Competitive Edge to Amazon

June 25, 2022
Walmart Challenges Amazon, Leverages Retail Infrastructure for E-Commerce In recent years Amazon has spent millions building fulfillment centers across the country to allow for quick, same-day delivery to their customers. Walmart, however, already has a vast network of brick-and-mortar retailers positioned for delivery, which grants them a head start as they challenge Amazon for e-commerce…

Brand Spotlight: Animal Necessity

June 14, 2022
Animal Necessity is a successful company in the pet health category that focuses on delivering high-quality supplements to veterinary health professionals and pet owners around the world. Their Ocu-GLO® Vision Supplement, developed by board-certified veterinary ophthalmologists, is specifically formulated to support canine eyes.   Challenge Before partnering with ZQUARED, Animal Necessity’s growing recognition in the…

Building & Enhancing Your Brand Presence on Amazon

May 20, 2022
When you envision a checkmark on a sneaker, a gecko on a commercial, or the slogan “taste the rainbow,” did a brand immediately come to mind? Brands like Nike, Geico, and Skittles have established such widely recognized branding that many of their commercials never even mention their brand name at all, and still instantly resonate…

A Guide to Listing Optimization

May 13, 2022
Amazon listing optimization is an essential part to the success of a seller’s business. Having an optimized product detail page helps increase sales, decrease ad spend, improve conversion rates, and enhance net revenue.   Brand Consistency The first step of optimizing Amazon listings is establishing brand guidelines that will be used on all product detail…

Amazon Announces New Surcharge to Cope with Rising Costs

May 6, 2022
Due to rising costs tied to inflation, the war in Ukraine, and the ongoing pandemic, Amazon announced that it will be adding a 5% surcharge for all US-based third-party sellers who use Amazon Fulfillment Centers to store, pack, and ship products. The surcharge is scheduled to go into effect on April 28. Approximately 89 percent…

Brand Spotlight: Fisher Space Pen

April 30, 2022
Paul C. Fisher revolutionized the pen industry with his sealed and pressurized ink cartridge that allows a pen to write in zero gravity, upside down, under water, over grease and in extreme temperatures. His invention literally launched Fisher Space Pens into space in 1967. Debuting on the Apollo 7 mission, the Fisher Space Pen has…

The Amazon Buy Box

April 22, 2022
One of the terms often seen in Amazon reporting and metrics tables is the “Buy Box Percentage”, a metric that provides data on how often you are winning the sale for a particular product. The Buy Box is one of the most important aspects to capturing sales, and critically affects your chances of success on…

Amazon Continues to Expand Same-Day Delivery Services

April 15, 2022
In March 2022, Amazon announced the latest expansion of their “mini-fulfillment centers” to Boston, which allow for same-day delivery to Prime customers within the Greater Boston Area. This service is now available in 27 cities across the country. Same-day delivery allow orders to arrive within hours of purchase. Orders placed as late as midnight arrive…

Addressing Suppressed and Restricted Listings

April 8, 2022
Selling on Amazon can be an exceptionally profitable business if properly set up and well managed. Many mistakenly believe that once you set up an Amazon product listing, you can simply rake in the profits without having to adjust or maintain it. However, a wide variety of potential issues can arise for various reasons including…

Enforcing Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) on Amazon

March 28, 2022
Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) is the minimum price a manufacturer sets for product resale. Distributors and resellers are not permitted to advertise or resell products online for less than the manufacturer’s established MAP. When resellers agree to the terms outlined by the manufacturer, they sign a MAP agreement to ensure a level playing field and…

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