Our Blog


The FTC Sues Amazon

May 10, 2024
Following a year-long investigation, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and 17 U.S. states filed an antitrust lawsuit against Amazon over allegations that the ecommerce giant practices illegal anti-competitive behaviors to maintain “monopolistic control” over the ecommerce industry. The plaintiffs hope it will open competition, lower product prices, and lower costs for sellers. However, Amazon argues…

Ban on TikTok & the Impact on Ecommerce

May 10, 2024
The potential ban of TikTok in the U.S. following a bill passed by U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Biden on April 24 could rattle the ecommerce industry, particularly for Amazon sellers who were increasingly using the platform to engage potential customers. With its focus on quick, casual engagement among younger demographics, TikTok…

A Glimpse into the Retail Landscape of 2029

March 20, 2024
The retail industry, continuously in flux, is poised for significant transformations in the next five years. Industry leaders predict a landscape shaped by seamless tech integration, evolving consumer preferences, and a redefinition of what constitutes the "store" experience. Given the boom in ecommerce, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic, it is not surprising that more and…

Is Walmart Worth it?

November 21, 2023
If you sell online, you are always looking for new ways to reach customers and improve your competitive edge. While Amazon undoubtedly offers the most global exposure, you might also hear rumblings of an old face with a new look shaking up the e-commerce landscape: Walmart. Although Walmart made a name for itself as the…

Mobile Shopping Innovation Could Set New Standards

September 21, 2023
In 2022, e-commerce sales globally broke $5.7 trillion, a figure which is expected to grow to nearly $6.3 trillion in 2023. Within this rapidly expanding market, shopping by mobile device – a trend known as “m-commerce” – is set to become the standard shopping method. E-commerce giants, such as Amazon and Walmart, are spearheading m-commerce…

Sustainability & Beauty

September 21, 2023
Sustainability is becoming central to growing the beauty e-commerce market. The beauty industry – including skincare, fragrance, makeup, and haircare - has long been criticized for its environmental impact, use of toxic chemicals, and non-recyclable materials. However, in recent years, beauty has been undergoing a green movement, known as “sustainable beauty,” with brands taking action…

AI-Fueled Voice Shopping to Change Ecommerce Landscape

July 17, 2023
Developments in A.I. technology – like Amazon’s Alexa - are poised to reshape ecommerce and consumer behavior. As a result, online sellers will need to adapt to new product search methods powered by A.I. in order to stay on top of the trend. “You will never go to a search site again, you will never…

Health and Personal Care Ecommerce Continues to Boom

July 17, 2023
Health and personal care products – such as beauty, medicine, and hygiene - have long been a brick-and-mortar retail stronghold. Yet, as more consumers turn online for their shopping needs, physical retail dominance in this category is beginning to slip. Amazon, the world’s predominant ecommerce marketplace, is expected to overtake Walmart in health and personal…

Inflation Targets the Pet Industry

May 18, 2023
Although overall U.S. economic inflation shows signs of cooling in recent months, the pet care industry continues to suffer from a high consumer price index (CPI) - the standard statistic used to measure inflation rates. As a result, pet care businesses struggle to maintain a profit margin without pushing consumers away with rising prices on…

Businesses Struggle with E-Commerce Demand

September 15, 2022
E-commerce growth has soared since the onset of COVID-19, surpassing FTI Consulting’s pre-pandemic 2025 sales figures projections. It is on course to reach $1 trillion in 2022 for the first time ever. Analysts predict e-commerce retail to grow at a 10% compound annual growth rate through 2027, and exceed $2 trillion by 2030, which will…

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